Page 6 - 迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃 Disney Youth Programs
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              全方位學習概覽                                                                                                            價值觀教育概覽
              LIFE-WIDE LEARNING O
              LIFE-WIDE LEARNING OVERVIEW                                                                                        VALUES EDUCATION OVERVIEW
                                                                                                                                                                 TION O
                                                                                                                                         UES EDUCA
             全方位學習讓學生在課外環境中實習,令學生能夠親身體驗,從而實踐一般課堂上難以達到的學習目標。                                                                 我們明白到價值觀教育是全人教育的重要元素,因此我們按照教育局的學習策略,設計出全新的價值觀教育學習內
             「迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃」涵蓋全方位學習的五大範疇,學生可透過於樂園實際環境中學習,豐富相關閱歷,                                                             迪士尼角色所面對的挑戰和經歷,帶出「堅毅」、「承擔精神」、「責任感」等核心價值,並引導學生討論和反
             更有助全人發展和培養終身學習的能力,以適應不斷變化的社會。學校更加可就相關課程申請全方位學習津貼,有                                                             思,作出客觀分析和合理的判斷,再付諸實行,從小培養他們正確、積極的價值觀念,為未來生活上面對的種種挑
             Life-wide Learning emphasizes on student learning in authentic settings. Such experiential learning enables    透過情境化的自主學習經歷,我們希望鼓勵同學們以正面的價值觀和態度,面對在學業、生活和成長中遇到的挑
             students to achieve learning goals that are difficult to attain through classroom learning.                    戰,裝備自己成為明日的領袖。

             Disney Youth Programs cover the five major life-wide learning elements. Students can achieve the aims of       Recognizing the importance of values education as a key component of holistic learning, our team has
             whole-person development and develop the life-long learning capabilities that are essential to flourishing     introduced a brand-new "Values Education Series" this year, based on the Values Education Curriculum
             in an ever-changing society. To facilitate the efficient use of resources, schools can also apply the Life-wide   Framework set out by the Education Bureau.  With emphasis on “cognition, affection and action”, students
             Learning Grant for our programs. Please refer to Education Bureau’s website for more details.                  are missioned to visit various attractions in the Park, to learn about Walt Disney’s life and legacy as well
                                                                                                                            as the challenges and experiences faced by various Disney characters. Thought-provoking stories and
               1   與工作有關的經驗                                   2   體藝發展                                                      scenarios inspire students to discuss and reflect on the positive values embodied by these role models,
                   Career Related Experiences
                                                                  Physical and Aesthetic Development
                                                                                                                            such as “perseverance”, “commitment” and “responsibility”, sowing seeds for growth and transformation
                                                                                                                            as students uphold these values in their daily lives.
                     迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列                                          迪士尼演藝日
                     Disney Youth Education Series                         Disney Performing Arts                           Through immersive self-directed learning experiences, we hope to equip students with not only a strong
                                                                                                                            moral compass, but also positive values and attitudes to navigate challenges in life, empowering them to
                        迪士尼工作體驗坊                                             公開表演體驗                                         become responsible leaders of tomorrow.
                        Disney’s Foundations for Career Success              Public Performance Experience
                        迪士尼款客服務體驗坊                                           演藝工作坊
                        Disney’s Hospitality in Practice                     Performing Arts Showcase
                                                                                                                                                                其他            堅毅
               3   價值觀教育                                                         4    社會服務                                                                      Others     Perseverance
                   Values Education
                                                                                      Community Services
                                                      全方位學習的                                                                                        團結                                  尊重他人
                                                       五大範疇                                                                                         Unity                              Respect for
                    Disney Youth Education Series     Five Major               迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列                                                                                              Others
                                                        Life-wide              Disney Youth Education Series
                   Disney’s Foundations for Career Success  Learning                                                                         孝親
                    迪士尼社會探索之旅                           Elements                迪士尼綠識環保考察計劃                                                Filial Piety                                        責任感
                                                                               Disney Environmental Expedition
                    Global Perspectives:                                                                                                                                                    Responsibility
                   An Adventure in Our Society                                  迪士尼工作體驗坊
                                                                               Disney’s Foundations for Career
                    迪士尼樂園探索之旅                                                  Success                                                                             首要培育的
                    Disney Theme Park Adventures                                迪士尼社會探索之旅                                                                        價值觀和態度
                       包括價值觀系列「創夢篇」                                            Global Perspectives:                                                             Priority Values                  國民身份
                       Including values education series                       An Adventure in Our Society                                  勤勞                                                     認同
                      - Dream Makers                                                                                                      Diligence              and Attitudes                    National
                                         5   智能發展 Intellectual Development                                                                                                                        Identity

                      迪士尼青少年奇妙學習系列 Disney Youth Education Series                                                                                                                           承擔精神
                                                                                                                                                同理心                                       Commitment
                         迪士尼「動」的奧秘                迪士尼科學行動                  迪士尼創意故事教室
                        How Things Move          Synergy in Science        Disney’s Creative Storytelling                                      Empathy
                         迪士尼動畫教室                  迪士尼STEM體驗行               迪士尼物理世界
                        Disney’s Animation Magic   Disney’s STEM Exploration  Disney’s World of Physics                                                   守法
                         迪士尼STEAM學習任務 : 探索海陸空                                                                                                         Law-abidingness              Integrity
                        Disney STEAM Missions: Land, Sea and Air                                                                                                       仁愛
                      迪士尼樂園探索之旅 Disney Theme Park Adventures                                                                                                        Benevolence                                      截至 2024年5月
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     As of May 2024

        4  | 全方位學習概覽  Life-wide Learning Overview                                                                                                                                    價值觀教育概覽  Values Education Overview |  5
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