Page 16 - 迪士尼青少年團隊活動計劃 Disney Youth Programs
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We have had the pleasure of organising groups of students on unforgettable
experiences at Hong Kong Disneyland, and we can confidently say that the programs
offered are truly exceptional.
First and foremost, the educational value of the programs is outstanding. The team at Hong Kong
每次到訪香港迪士尼樂園,都有夢想成真的感覺,也能感受到園方的用心策劃,不斷 Disneyland has curated a range of engaging and interactive experiences that seamlessly blend
推陳出新。特別是去年年底開幕、全球首個及最大型的魔雪奇緣世界,感恩我們 SDM entertainment with learning. From their behind-the-scenes tours to their immersive workshops, the
榮幸獲邀率先試玩,讓隨後參與冬日巡遊匯演的同學,能第一時間參觀每個用心佈置的 programs provide students with unique insights into the world of Disney while also fostering critical
角落,嘗試刺激好玩的機動遊戲,迎接璀璨聖誕。 thinking, creativity, and teamwork skills. The attention to detail in the educational content is evident, and
it is clear that the programs have been thoughtfully designed to align with various curriculum objectives.
其實 SDM 與《魔雪奇緣》真的很有緣,我們在 2015 年聖誕節,成為全港首支在香港迪士尼樂園城堡前
跳定點舞,以及表演 “Let It Go” 巡遊舞的隊伍。由於機會難得,反應相當熱烈,加上現場遊人的熱烈 Throughout our visits, the program facilitators have consistently demonstrated a genuine passion for
歡呼、掌聲和鼓勵,所有學員跳得特別起勁,裡頭其中一位,長大後更成為我們的舞蹈老師! educating and inspiring young minds. They create a welcoming and inclusive environment, ensuring that
every participant feels valued and engaged. The staff's knowledge, enthusiasm, and ability to connect
去年四月限定上演的勵志芭蕾舞劇《StellaLou 夢想起舞吧》,同樣印象深刻。迪士尼青少年團隊特別讓 with students of all ages greatly contribute to the overall success of the programs.
SDM 近 1,000 位學員和家長獨家包場觀劇,欣賞來自世界各地的專業舞蹈演員,為喜愛跳舞和音樂的小
朋友獻上舞蹈盛宴。美輪美奐的舞台效果、燈光音響設計,配上豐富多彩的劇情,讓喜愛 StellaLou 的大 Another aspect that sets Hong Kong Disneyland Youth Programs apart is their emphasis on cultural
家萬分陶醉,獲得溫暖和正向的力量。 exchange. The park is a melting pot of diverse cultures, and the programs actively encourage students
to appreciate and embrace this diversity. Through interactions with staff members from different
當日 SDM 同學更首次獲安排登上明日世界舞台作武術表演,連同我們多隊學員勁歌熱舞,以及在美國小 backgrounds and through immersive activities that showcase various traditions and customs, students
鎮大街的巡遊演出,為超過 300 位小朋友創造全新體驗,親身感受人氣芭蕾舞家 StellaLou 一步步練習芭 gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures, fostering a global mindset.
Lastly, the combination of educational activities, thrilling attractions, and captivating shows ensures
多年來,SDM 學員也享受了很多優先體驗,包括 2012 年的演藝日舞蹈工作坊,在原野劇場與獅子王歌舞 that students have an unforgettable experience that they will cherish for a lifetime. The programs strike
劇主角互動分享;在迪士尼九十週年演唱會上,SDM 更是唯一巡遊舞蹈表演團體,包辦所有巡遊舞蹈設計, the perfect balance between education and entertainment, making learning an incredibly enjoyable
編排高達 120 人的大型舞蹈! adventure.
2018 年,我們在華麗的迪士尼魔法書房欣賞音樂劇,跟隨故事主角展開奇妙的歷險旅程,更全港獨家優 From the educational value and professionalism of the staff to the emphasis on cultural exchange and the
先與專業演藝人員跳舞和互動,吸收舞台表演經驗及秘訣,進一步了解完美演出背後的重要元素,體驗與 overall experience, the programs are truly outstanding. I wholeheartedly recommend these programs to
別不同的交流。 any educator or parent seeking to provide their students or children with an enriching, unforgettable, and
香港迪士尼青少年團隊全情投入,敬業樂業,經常安排精彩活動,與 SDM 多年來共同創造多項全新企劃, educational journey. Hong Kong Disneyland Youth Programs truly go above and beyond to create magical
每一次大量的協調、溝通和行政安排,皆化作奇妙魔法,令小朋友夢想再次成真,擁有歡樂和珍貴的回憶, memories and inspire the next generation of learners.
與 SDM 教學理念一樣,有個“smile dancing memory”! The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our students' lives, disrupting their learning
期待我們繼續合作愉快,繼續激發小朋友為夢想奮鬥,繼續努力裝備自己,與迪士尼青少年團隊成員一 experiences and limiting their opportunities for exploration and growth. That's why programs like the ones
樣,永遠保留一顆純真善良的赤子之心,將歡樂帶給所有人,創造一個讓大人小孩都能延續夢想的偉大世 offered by Hong Kong Disneyland have become vital in helping students regain a sense of normalcy and
界。 providing them with much-needed inspiration and joy.
陳遠航 Steven Phua
SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院院長 Co-founder, Rave Group Int'l
Board Member, Wind Bands Association of Singapore
Artistic Planning Committee, WASBE 2024 Gwangju-Gyeonggi
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